Monday, June 10, 2024

Courage and Faith - Clean and Simple

Courage and Faith


Courage and Faith

Courage and Faith - inner view

Today's card was created for the Crafty Collaborations Clean and Simple Blog Hop.   I love the simplicity of this card.  I tend to be more of a crafter that loves fussy details..... but this card brought me a lot of pleasure to make too.   Below is a list of Blogs for you to visit and be inspired by.

Thank you for visiting my blog today.
Product List


  1. Beautiful card...I love how the inside is nicely finished too

  2. Very pretty card and such a soothing color palatte

  3. Lovely card Teah, love the soft colour combo x


Country Flowers - Sending Love

  Sending Love June Color Challenge Todays card is my contribution to the Crafty Collaborators Crafty Challenge Blog Hop.  I absolutely LOVE...